
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

<(o_o)> DID CHA FEEL IT?? <(^O^)>

From what the USGS ( United States Geographical Society) states, there was an earthquake today, April 16, 2013, 12km, ENE of Luther,!  Well, it wasn't a biggie, just 4.3 on that earthquake scale  thing-a-ma-jig!

 Earthquakes In The Region,    which gives a good explanation and all the technical data if you like to check it out.

I was surprised that they had earthquakes in that area...didn't expect it.  Was also shocked a little to feel one where I live in NYC years back. Sitting on the futon and feel it move under me...I was like WTH was that!!  LOL 

  I did know about the one in Iran that also happened today that was, 7.8, on that scale thingy.... sorry all, I just don't know the spelling but do know what it is. The  information is also there on the USGS site to read up on  Earthquake In Iran.   

 Hey, you never really know!  Earth is doing its thing!!  <(*_*)>

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